
Creative City’s Competitiveness Leads Taipei City to Grow Steadily - 臺北產經資訊網

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Creative City’s Competitiveness Leads Taipei City to Grow Steadily

By Feng,Ling-hui/TIER
In the “Innovative Cities Index” released by 2Thinknow on December 2015, Taipei City ranked higher and higher annually since it became one of the Top 100 cities in 2011. In 2015, Taipei rose to the 52th from the 87th slot last year and was nominated as the fastest city with an upgrade by 2Thinkknow. Although the average score is 49 to rank as a first level hub city, Taipei took the lead in the 5th place within its level. It failed the competition for the 1st level core city by just 1 point. On the other hand, if carefully observed among the Asia cities, Taipei City ranked the 9th, which is the top city in the ranking of hub cities. Its competitive potential is worthy of expectations.

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